Saturday, 12 November 2016

Stain Removal Tips For All Carpet Cleaners
Advance stain removal tips. 

1) Removing dye out of carpet can be very hard and it is a stain that can't be 100% guaranteed but by doing all the most important steps you will find this will 80% work and for most dye stains you will archive the results you are wanting. 

First step always is to absorb as much into the towel as possible but not rubbing but blotting gently and carefully until you can't absorb anymore of the stain. This is only if stain is fresh and still wet. Of course if stain is old then you don't need blot.

Second step to spray using a protein leave for 10 / 15  minutes then rinse, leaving it for 10 / 15 minutes will give good dwell time, but do not agitate as you don't want to push the dye stain deep into the pile. 

Third step if stain is still showing then the final step is oxidizing best using a steamer or iron but if want to be safe leave oxidize on stain for at least 48 hours. In the 48 hours the oxidize will oxidize and hopefully remove stain. Then rinse everything out using neutralizing solution and hope everything is great after. 

The Oxidize Solution Carpet Care Solutions recommend is (Knockout) U don't need to add a / b together you just use as one solution and it work great. A/B is a great way but this means you have no waste and you have less mess.

The Rinsing Agent Carpet Care Solutions recommend is (Fine Fabric Rinse) This is a great product and we can't recommend it enough being such a wonderful product. We recommend to use a little less than they recommend as the dilution is over kill only with the rinse.

Carpet Cleaning Stain Removal Tip
After you pre vacuum the carpet, spray (Knock Out) onto the stains then start cleaning in other areas. When up to the area that has the stains, pre spray the area not pre spraying where stain is and clean area rinsing the stain area last. Dye stains do not come out with your normal pre spray it needs oxidize, going by experience the only thing that works on old dye stains is oxidize and this is a great tip. Letting the oxidize dwell in stain will give you more chance getting out. If still hasn't removed and you see a massive difference then it's up to you to let customer know if they want you to spend more time on it. But adding more oxidize on stain and using steam, an iron with a towel will spend it up, but you could recommend leaving oxidize on stain for 48 hours and see if this helps. You will find this will be an 80% chance the stain will remove. This works well and it is a great tip for all carpet cleaners. 

Hope this is a great tip with removing dye stains out of carpet. For any live advise from Carpet Care Solutions would be happy to help. Feel free to visit our website and leave an email on your carpet cleaning problems and Carpet Care Solutions would love to help you get the results you are wanting to archive. I also offer (Free) advice too.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Carpet Care Solutions Upholstery Cleaning Tip

             Carpet Care Solutions Upholstery Cleaning Tips

Most important tip cleaning upholstery is make you know the fabric your cleaning and if you don't then don't clean it. So many things can go wrong with natural fabrics and you need to be extra careful. A good tip to check is under sofa, couch, chair they might have a label on what it is and even a cleaning tip. If they don't then get professional advise. I do recommend making sure you get professional training so things don't go wrong with your upholstery cleaning. 

Things That Can Go Wrong With Cleaning Upholstery


This condition occurs when cellulose fiber fabrics are over wet, dry slowly, and especially when cleaned with an alkaline cleaning solution.
Raw or Haitian cotton fabrics may have especially severe browning problems because of the amount of vegetable and foreign matter that is allowed to remain in the fabric.
Browning removal methods
  1. Rinse the fabric with an acidic fabric rinse agent and speed dry with air movers. Fabrics that have very mild browning, which will often look yellow, will often be corrected by this method.
  2. Re-clean the fabric with a formulated “Haitian cotton” shampoo or detergent. This method will work on more severely browned fabrics, and depending on the extent of the browning, may take a few treatments for complete browning removal. However, multiple cleanings may result in texture distortion and stiffening of the fabric from residues.
  3. Shampoo the fabric with a neutral or slightly acidic upholstery cleaning shampoo (not a Haitian cotton shampoo) boosted with a non-chlorine oxidizing booster. Follow with an acidic rinse and speed drying. This method works quickly and well, but may over whiten “natural colored cotton” fabrics.
Because of the need to try these methods multiple times, or in sequence, it’s best to perform this corrective procedure at your own location.
Absorbent powders used for spots that wick back are also useful for isolated areas that continue to brown during the drying process, as they absorb browning as readily as they absorb soils and spills that wick back.
Browning is not always 100 percent correctable, so it is best to avoid causing the problem, and never guarantee that you can fix a preexisting browning problem.

In most cases, “if you’ve bled it, you’ve bought it!”
However, in small, localized areas of bleeding you might be able to correct bleeding enough to satisfy an understanding customer.
Bleeding correction
Hydrogen peroxide or chlorine bleach may be applied with the tip of a cotton swab and lightly blotted on the discolored area.
The concentration of either bleaching agent should be started weak and then increased as needed.
If chlorine bleach is required to remove the staining, you will also need to neutralize the bleach afterward.
Caution: Both bleaching agents may cause additional color damage, and may also weaken the fabric.
There are times when the bled area may be re-cleaned, and either packed with an absorbent powder to absorb the unstable dye, or subjected to high pressure air with an air compressor to force the dye back into the fabrics backing.
In cases of extensive color bleeding, these procedures are rarely practical.

Shrinkage is not nearly the problem that it was a few decades ago, but it still occurs on occasion in the skirts of furniture, especially furniture made from rayon or rayon/cotton blends.
Shrinkage correction
Shrinkage in skirts is often corrected with the use of a hand steamer, such as is used by drapery installers to remove wrinkles.
Apply steam to the affected areas, and tug gently on the skirts until they return to shape.
Cushions may be steamed and then stretched back to shape by placing the cushion over a “saw horse” or similar structure and pushing and pulling on the material until it returns to its original shape.
Water marks

Water marks — also known as “rings” or “circling” — may be caused by residual materials from spills or soil that remains after improper spotting; such water marks will usually be removed by cleaning the fabric.
Water marks caused by sizing are quite another matter.
Sizing is used to create enough stiffness to fabric to give it body, or to prevent puckering during seaming.
This otherwise clear product will migrate and dry to a brown ring whenever areas of the fabric dry unevenly after spotting and cleaning.
Water marks are most often seen on platforms, or around welt cords (also known as piping).
Water mark correction
Water marks are difficult to correct.
The easiest correction procedure is to apply distilled water evenly to the affected surface.
Distilled water wets the fabric evenly and dissolved the sizing and other impurities in the fabric, which allows the fabric to dry evenly and, in many cases, the water marks disappear.
If the distilled water does not work, you can use the shampoo and oxidizing agent method of correcting browning outlined above.
Another option, especially for synthetic fibers, is to apply a strong acid treatment to the water mark.
Iron content in some water mark stains will respond to this.

Hope you enjoyed reading the problems that can happen cleaning upholstery.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Carpet Care Solutions Carpet Cleaning Methods

                     Carpet Care Solutions Cleaning Methods 

                                                                Hot Water Extraction  
Carpet Care Solutions

Carpet Care Solutions


Hot water extraction is the method recommended by the world’s largest carpet manufacturer and required for regular cleanings to maintain your carpet warranty. Hot water extraction is also commonly referred to as Steam Cleaning. To truly know the method that any carpet cleaner uses, one must only ask about the carpet cleaning process and how it works. Your carpet cleaner should be able to tell you how they clean carpets, why they use that method, and if that is the best method for your carpet. The three keys to Hot Water Extraction are; the temperature of water being used, the effect hot water extraction has on the material/ carpet being cleaned, and is the water truly being extracted.
The Water Temperature: When the water that is used for cleaning goes through a truck mount system, it is heated. This process usually has the water circulate in a boiler system or heat exchange system. This process causes the water to be extremely hot, usually heated over 200 degrees! I have seen trucks heat to anywhere between 220° Fahrenheit to 240° Fahrenheit.  There are warning signs on truck mount units that alert of the danger. “Water under high pressure at high temperature can cause burns, severe personal injury, or fatality.” The hot water is pushed through hoses to supply the carpet cleaning attachment with the water that will be used to get the dirt and soil out of your carpet. These hoses have to be rated for high pressure, some at 3000 PSI and have a heat rating of 250°F. Severe burns, damage to property or fatality could result if hoses do not meet these requirements. This is why it is so important that your carpet cleaner is trained properly, knows how to use the machine he is operating, and be licensed and insured.
Extraction: It is very important that after your carpet has been cleaned and rinsed by the carpet technician, that the water/ detergent used, is being extracted from your carpet. At Dan Care we tell customers if a technician leaves your home and your carpet is soggy wet, then the cleaning was not done right. When the water that has been used to scrub your carpet is sucked out, it goes through the hose back to the truck, to be disposed of properly. You don’t want dirty water sitting in your home. A Professional will make sure that most of the water used is extracted; the carpet will be slightly damp and dry within a few hours. Our helpful and trained technicians do use air movers to aid in this drying process. We want you and your family to be able to enjoy your freshly cleaned carpet as soon as possible.
In conclusion, if you are confused as to which method your cleaner uses, simply ask them. You are our customer and we want to make sure that we have your trust and confidence in our cleaning team. You matter to us!

That is why Carpet Care Solutions is your smart choice and can guarantee only professional knowledge. 


Encapsulation chemistry is a significant step forward for the carpet cleaning industry and is set to change many commercial cleaning programs over the next few years. This overview of encapsulation is intended to take you through the chemistry of the concept, show how formulators have employed it in new carpet cleaning products, describe its application in cleaning programs and answer a range of typical questions and misconceptions. THE CHEMISTRY Encapsulation chemicals are formulated using specialty polymers and detergents which are compatible with each other. These polymers bind the detergents and emulsified soils in a brittle structure as they dry. In the conventional cleaning process surfactant molecules attach themselves to oily soil particles, suspending them (emulsification) so that they can be easily rinsed away. Surfactant (detergent) molecules and emulsified soils which escape being rinsed away, remain in the fibre and continue to attract soiling, causing the condition of the carpet to degenerate; often re-soiling faster than before it was subjected to the cleaning process. Encapsulation overcome this phenomenon. Encapsulation are specialty detergent polymers which become part of the detergent system. As drying occurs, after cleaning, these encapsulation bind the detergent molecules and residual soils in a brittle, crystalline structure. Detergent and soil particles can no longer attract other soils and are easily removed by dry vacuuming. In addition to binding the detergent and soil residues the encapsulation chemistry coats the clean fibre with the same brittle film. This reduces the fibre’s affinity for oily and particulate soils. As this brittle film “breaks away” and more soil is removed, the appearance of the fibre improves as opposed to soiling more rapidly. Products which also employ flourochemical technology, display dramatically extended anti re-soiling time periods.

Carpet Care Solutions Carpet Cleaning Tips

Carpet Care Solutions Carpet Cleaning Tips 

First important stage and the most important stage is pre vacuuming with a upright vacuum with good agitation. Lots of carpet cleaners don't understand how important pre vacuuming is but it is the most important. Removing dry particles is a must.

Pre Vacuum

2nd important stage is understanding the carpet fiber so you can pre spray using the recommended solution. If you don't know the carpet fiber i do recommend professional training because knowing will help you get best results in your carpet cleaning, youtube is a good friend to start learning as much as you can. If you know the carpet fiber great then use the recommended solutions. Always let customer know on problem areas that you maybe need to use advance stain removal solution if they are still there after clean. It all comes down to budget too because advance train removal always takes more time, so best to explain clear to customer so they know before you start. 

Pre Spray

Third important stage is agitation using a rake or a rotary scrubber, this will get the solution deep into the pile for cleaner results. Not all carpet needs the rotary scrubber but every job  needs a rake scrub if not using rotary, without agitation the solution will only sit the on carpet. If you want the best possible results then following Carpet Care Solutions method will get you the best results guaranteed. 


5th important stage stage is extracting the solution out of the carpet using good heat and making sure you having rinsing agent in water tank. Water is a diluter not a neutralizer so it is very important to rinse carpet with water that has a rinsing agent in it. 

Hot Water Extraction
Carpet Care Solutions Portable Tip - Add a vacuum boaster so you gain good vacuum running longer meters of solution and vacuum hosing. Great tip if you want faster drying carpet with portable carpet cleaning use. 

Vacuum Boaster

Water Heater

6th important tip that isn't important but is if your like me and you want job having a great finish, and that is grooming the carpet. Grooming carpet will help with the drying and look. This will leave carpet looking amazing.

You can use an air mover for the help of drying carpet faster, it all comes down to customers budget and how long you have on job. I always carry air movers with me for faster drying time. It is a stage that isn't important but can be an added service you could provide.

Air Mover

Stain & Odor Removal Tips If Couldn't Get From Carpet Cleaning
Stains & odors can be one of those challenging problems that needs a professional that knows his stuff, but even a professional can sometimes be stuck. Carpet Care Solutions uses the most advanced technique that works great. Carpet Care Solutions know how to treat carpet stains or bad odors and knows how to get great results. Will post about stain & odor removal and solution tips in how to treat these problems the professional way after this post. Odor removal just takes time, using odor solutions is a good start, but if bad odors there isn't much you can do apart from more treatment, because you can't over wet carpet with clean. Pet urine odors can be a big problem and you must advise that there could be lots of problems  and cost involved. If still has stains or odors after clean then advise your customer if you haven't already that you need to treat stains or odor with advance stain or odor removal treatment. Try and spot the problem areas before clean. it is important to make sure carpet fiber is always neutral before you treat stain removal for best results, because if customer has treated with supermarket solution then your solution could make worst. Very important to treat stain with neutral surface.

Advance Stain Removal Tool

Visit Carpet Care Solutions Website if you want to email me direct on help with stain or odor removal feel free. i'm always for helping other carpet cleaners to archive best results for their customers. 

Friday, 28 October 2016

Carpet Care Solutions Carpet Cleaning Process

Christchurch Carpet Cleaning Professional Cleaners Carpet Care Solutions Clean to the New Zealand & Australian standard and that is a 6 step process as follows:

Pre inspection of your carpet to determine  the carpet fibre type and condition to find the best cleaning solution to get the best results.

Pre Vacuum  using a HEPPA Filtration vacuum to remove all dry soil particles and is a must to achieve the best results.

Pre Spray cleaning detergent to suspend soil to make the hot water extraction process easy and to sanitize.

Agitate using a rake but if needs more will use a rotary scrubber to get those deep soils loose for the hot water extraction step.

Hot water extraction with amazing heat with a neutral rinsing agent inside to neutralize your carpet leaving it soft and cleaner for longer.

Grooming your carpet pile back in one direction to help your carpet dry faster and look awesome.

Carpet Care Solutions Christchurch Testimonials

Carpet Care Solutions take pride in their job and this is what customers have to say about their work. :)

 Read what No Cowboys customers have to say about Carpet Care Solutions Clean by Patrick Greig -

Read what trademe customers have to say about Carpet Care Solutions cleaned by Patrick Greig -

              Read what finda customers have to say about Carpet Care Solutions cleaned by Patrick Greig -

Read what yellow page customers have to say about Carpet Care Solutions cleaned by Patrick Greig  -